Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Update

Uncle Clint took our Engagement pictures before
leaving for Seattle.

Shem's Dad came to Salt Lake on some
business, so he took us out for dinner. We had
only been dating for maybe 2 weeks and I was
already going to meet his Dad! It was a great
experience and I remember just loving Shem
so much more after hearing about his family
and meeting his Dad. :)

Rachel and Ken came down from Rexburg, ID
to visit. Rachel loved to tackle us while sitting
together on the chair.

Snow fun with Melody (my old roommate) on
President's day or MLK Jr. day (I don't remember).

At our graduation party and Shem's parents with
the family. We got a cool new digital camera! 6/10/2007

My First visit to Seattle, Wa with Shem. We had
a week between the end of student teaching and
graduation to kill, so I met the whole family and
visited Pike Place Market downtown! 4/2/2007

Shem's 26th Birthday Party. We both didn't own
a car after graduation (well, Mom and Dad bought
me a cool 97 Escort), so Corom and Wendy (my
brother and sister-in-law) took pity on us and
gave Shem a card with a car on it and $1 inside to
go towards a new car or something else...:) Somehow
we all ended up outside and there in the driveway was
a car with a bow for sale for only $1!! Wendy and Corom
had just bought a new van and decided to give Shem
their 93 Acura Integra! Shem later bought me a ring!:)

Shem's visit to Michigan was a lot of fun, we got
engaged (very good story, I'll have to post it sometime
no pictures though, not sure why, but Shem totally
won me over!! Here he is with Julia tickeling her with
Lehi watching and Ana in the background. 5/20/2007

Snoqualmie Falls, in Washington. We needed a
break from wedding stuff, so we took a hike! 6/30/2007

Hey Everyone! Welcome to our blog! We have been trying for months to send out one of those "holiday" emails where people will talk about their lives and fill you in on all of the fun things they've done with their families over the past year; however, the holidays just keep passing us by and we still haven't sat down to write it, so we're going to keep a blog instead!

The Beginning:

Shem and I met last January in Utah while Student Teaching at Kearns High School. He was teaching AP Physics and Math, and I was teaching 1-3rd level Spanish and 10th grade English. We carpooled together with our friend Carrie and by convenience got to know each other. Shem, being as good-looking as he is, soon got the attention of most of the single women at church and at work and so I decided to tell myself not to like him because I didn't want to like the guy that everyone else did. Well, my computer broke...Shem came by one Saturday night and tried to make it workable (I wanted to shoot it for target practice), and since he didn't have any other plans he stayed at my place for a while and we talked about ourselves and I showed him pictures of my friends and talked about the things that I like to do. I think I won him over when I told him that I can wear my curly, that I like to shoot guns and fix cars, and that I love Tiger's baseball! Okay, maybe not, but I was interesting enough for him to be interested. I liked him from the moment after I first met him, he just seemed like a lot of fun, down-t0-earth, and he was cute!

Well, we dated while we taught and had fun playing racquetball, going to obscure libraries in Salt Lake, visited with my siblings and became inseperable. We bonded over silly jedi jokes while grocery shopping and just enjoyed being together.

We then graduated in April 2007 and got engaged in May...more later...(6/29/2008) After our engagement in Michigan and meeting most of my family Shem flew back to Seattle and I drove across the country to be with him. I made it in record time though, I left on a Tuesday at 1pm and arrived in Seattle, Wa on Thursday around 6pm! I stopped in Laramie, WY to visit my Dad while he was on business and then overnight in Rexburg, ID to sleep at Rachel's and see Ken. I did spend one night at a rest stop in the car in Lincoln, NE, but nothing happened to me, I was safe!
After getting to Seattle we planned our wedding, for August, worked, played, and just enjoyed being in the same state again! It was hard living so far from each other and life was miserable for both of us. Well, that's the short version of us and how we got to be married! I'll post the engagement story sometime later.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I tagged you to do a post. Look at my blog entitled Tagged by Jamie. HAve a wonderful day!
