Monday, September 7, 2009

I am not feelilng like working tomorrow...

Even though I did some major shopping for my classroom and I have great students I just wish that now that I'm in the mood to majorly update the blog that I could just stay up late and do all of the finishing touches that I would like to do...too bad I have to work tomorrow though.

Our Last Week of Vacation (July 28th-August 3rd)

The crappiest sunrise picture I have and will never get to take again. (refer below for details)

Shem hanging out. Even though the light from the window over exposed part of the picture I like the drama it adds.

Shem and Nathan built a tall tower!

Tonya and Audrey.

Lauren with TJ.
I have to go to bed, but I wanted to write a little about our last week of vacation. We went to Carolina Beach, NC and we had a lot of fun just relaxing, camping, surfing (well, trying to surf), getting burnt, getting locked into our camp ground so that we couldn't leave with the car to get a picture of the sunrise, running in the most hot and humid place on earth, and then finally going to the movies for some relief.
My favorite part was visiting with my friends Lauren and Tonya...this part needs more detail, but suffice it to say that it was just like we had never been apart for nearly 7 years. We seemed to pick up right where we left off and it felt like we were back at the student living center in Lansing again. more later. TTFN.